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تاريخ التسجيل : 07/12/2009
Autodesk Mudbox 2010
الجمعة 18 ديسمبر 2009 - 21:32
Autodesk Mudbox 2010
Autodesk Mudbox 2010 | 218 MB | Multilanguage
Autodesk Mudbox digital sculpting and texture painting software gives modelers and texture artists the freedom to create 3D digital artwork as if they are working with clay and paint. Designed by professional artists in the game, film, television, and design industries, Mudbox combines a highly intuitive user interface with a powerful creative toolset of stencils and brushes to help create ultra-realistic 3D characters, engaging environments, stylized props, and more.
Mudbox delivers high-performance tools that are easy to use and easy to integrate into a production pipeline:
Intuitive, brush-based sculpting—Sculpt highly detailed 3D models more quickly and precisely.
3D high-resolution painting—Paint in 3D faster across multiple textures and shading channels.
3D layers—Paint and sculpt nondestructively.
Texture baking for film and game pipelines—Bake normal and displacement maps.
Real-time 3D graphics workspace—Create 3D models with in-context shading and lighting that more closely mimics the final output.
Interoperability—Exchange data with Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Softimage, and Adobe Photoshop software.
SDK—Customize, extend, and integrate Mudbox into your pipelines.
Autodesk Mudbox software is an advanced, high-resolution, brush-based digital 3D sculpting and 3D painting solution. Mudbox features and functionality address the needs of professional modelers working in the game, film, television, and design industries.
Paint only on the raised details of a model using the new dry brush. If you paint on a reptile model with scales, for example, you can paint the tops of the scales, without applying paint to the cracks.
System Requirements:
For 32-bit Mudbox 2010 for Windows
Microsoft Windows Vista Business operating system (SP1)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system (SP2)
For 64-bit Mudbox 2010 for Windows
Microsoft Windows Vista Business (SP1)
Microsoft Windows XP x64 Edition (SP2)
Mudbox delivers high-performance tools that are easy to use and easy to integrate into a production pipeline:
Intuitive, brush-based sculpting—Sculpt highly detailed 3D models more quickly and precisely.
3D high-resolution painting—Paint in 3D faster across multiple textures and shading channels.
3D layers—Paint and sculpt nondestructively.
Texture baking for film and game pipelines—Bake normal and displacement maps.
Real-time 3D graphics workspace—Create 3D models with in-context shading and lighting that more closely mimics the final output.
Interoperability—Exchange data with Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Softimage, and Adobe Photoshop software.
SDK—Customize, extend, and integrate Mudbox into your pipelines.
Autodesk Mudbox software is an advanced, high-resolution, brush-based digital 3D sculpting and 3D painting solution. Mudbox features and functionality address the needs of professional modelers working in the game, film, television, and design industries.
Paint only on the raised details of a model using the new dry brush. If you paint on a reptile model with scales, for example, you can paint the tops of the scales, without applying paint to the cracks.
System Requirements:
For 32-bit Mudbox 2010 for Windows
Microsoft Windows Vista Business operating system (SP1)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system (SP2)
For 64-bit Mudbox 2010 for Windows
Microsoft Windows Vista Business (SP1)
Microsoft Windows XP x64 Edition (SP2)
- aminerachidعضو نشيظ
- الجنس :
عدد المساهمات : 237
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/12/2009
الموقع : https://arab-yes.ahlamontada.com
الجمعة 25 ديسمبر 2009 - 19:36
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عدد المساهمات : 29187
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2009
رد: Autodesk Mudbox 2010
الجمعة 1 يناير 2010 - 22:18
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- عربيعضو دهبي
- الجنس :
عدد المساهمات : 18188
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/12/2009
رد: Autodesk Mudbox 2010
السبت 2 يناير 2010 - 20:08
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